Contact ETS Research & Development

When available, we offer free PDFs of ETS-published research reports. You can download them directly from the research abstract pages located in the ETS ReSEARCHER database. If a PDF of an ETS-published research report is not available for download, email to request a copy and include the title, authors and report number. We can’t fulfill requests for publications by third-party publishers (e.g., journals, book publishers).

If you want to reuse content from an ETS publication, please visit the ETS permissions site.

When submitting a request for data, clearly indicate the objectives and significance of your study. All requests will be given careful consideration and will be evaluated in a timely manner.


Make sure to review the data request guidelines and permissions (PDF) prior to submitting your request.


If accepted, you will be required to sign a licensing agreement1 before the data can be released, and you will be assigned both an ETS program and a research contact person. For federally funded grants, the contact will be the Principal Investigator.

If the result of your research using ETS data produces a publication that resides, or will reside in the public domain, it is subject to review prior to publication. Additionally, ETS requires that your ETS research contact person retain a copy.

Note: All requests for data from College Board® programs, such as for the SAT® and the SAT Subject Tests, should be submitted directly to the College Board.

1 For more information about ETS licensing agreements, please visit Permissions Use on the ETS Legal Website.

To order a hard copy of this kit, please fill out the order form (PDF), which also contains information about the kit and a licensing agreement.

ETS Research & Development


ETS Policy Evaluation and Research Center (PERC)

E-mail: PERC


ETS Internship and Fellowship Programs


Please contact ETS.